Monday, December 3, 2012


Firagrams! Get it? Because I'm posting Instagrams of Fira? Anyway.

We went for a walk down to the beach today. The weather said it was supposed to rain and there were some pretty ominous looking clouds overhead, but we decided to risk. The closest beach is 2 miles then we walked a couple miles down the beach after we got there. We had to run away from a pair of ferocious puppies at one point. So many strays on this island. I just want to take them all home with me! I've decided I'm definitely getting a dog as an I-got-in-to-med-school reward (step one of this plan entails actually getting into med school).

So we walked and walked then eventually turned around to head back home at which point the weather had turned cold and insanely windy. And of course the walk home was all up hill and against the wind. I felt like I was trying to walk under water. It probably took us twice as long to get back.

But then something really magical happened. We walked in the door, chugged a few bottled of water and I turned to Anthony and said, "I could really go for some macaroni and cheese right now." But of course we don't have any mac and cheese so Anthony was like, "Well, we don't have any man and cheese. Have some peanuts." I was thiiiiis close to just eating the damn peanuts when we heard a knock at the door. I was Poppi, the owner of the hotel. And guess what she had? A plate of food. But not just any food. It was macaroni and cheese. I'm not even kidding. MACARONI. AND. CHEESE. It was made with some very weird noodles and like a pound of butter and it was amazing. I'm telling you guys, there is some crazy voodoo going on in this place.


(Aw shucks, I thought I had taken a few more pictures! Oh well.)

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