Monday, January 7, 2013

In and Around the Thuy An Center

Funny story. We were in a room without a bathroom or running water. So we would have to go outside to use a nearby bathroom. Not really a big deal, but it's winter and cold and leaving your nice warm bed in the middle of the night to go outside is a bummer. When the work camp left yesterday we finally got to move into a room with a bathroom. Not just any bathroom, but one with a hot water heater! There are like 2 hot water heaters in the entire center. The other one is in another volunteer's room, but the shower doesn't work and so the hot water just kind of dribbles out. Basically we all just take "baths" in a bucket of cold water. In winter. In our rooms that don't have windows that close so it's always open to the outside and thus always freezing cold. Suffice to say I have been sick for two weeks.
Anyway, yesterday I was so excited to take a hot shower. I decided to wait until the end of the day and really savor it. I was so overcome with joy I would spontaneously yell out "I can't wait for my shower!" which would startle Anthony and make him spill his tea or whatever he was holding. Anyway. When it finally came time for my hot shower (!!!!) Anthony switched on the hot water heater. And then the unspeakable happened. The electrical socket caught on fire and a HUGE fireball of flames and fire and death was shooting from it! I screamed, Anthony screamed, we all screamed. It was finished as quickly as it started. And of course the hot water heater's little red light flickered off, never to turn on again. I'm so sad.

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