Friday, January 18, 2013

Weekend in the City

Hey everyone! (And by "everyone" I mean the three people I've conned into reading this blog.)

We are spending the weekend in Hanoi and so far it's been great! Last night we went to dinner at a big chain restaurant that shall remain nameless. After having the stomach flu last week and projective vomiting my usual Vietnamese lunch, I has having a really hard time eating the same flavors again. You know how it goes. So basically I was starving. When we came into the city I was really excited to have some western food. I know, I know. I'm the worst traveler ever.

After gorging ourselves into a near-comatose state we walked over to the water puppet theater and watched the best water puppet show I've ever seen! Also the only water puppet show I've ever seen! Anthony hated it. Michelle and I loved it.

Next we went to the night market and I bought a few gifts to bring home and some sunglasses and maybe other thing? I can't remember. These markets put me into some sort of weird trance and when I finally come to I'm standing amongst a pile of goods and missing all my money. Anthony hates night markets. Michelle and I love them.

Once I refilled my wallet at the ATM and watched a scary fight break out on the street (!!!) we went for a few mojitos. And by a few I mean two. Then we were in bed my midnight because we are crazy party animals!

The next morning we went to this place called Joma where they sell things like bagels and banana bread. Again, I know. I get it. I'm being a baby. I'll eat more Vietnamese food soon. Sometimes a bagel sandwich is just something you need to eat when you're in a far away land. Ok?

I don't have any picture to show you because I'm really busy right now. I have to go get a message and then go to lunch and then maybe go shopping. It's just a really busy stressful day. Actually I'm kidding. Well, not about the massage and lunch and shopping. Those things are going to happen. But it actually is kind of a stressful day. Our hostel overbooked our room so we have to pack everything up and find another hostel. Plus some other things are up in the air right now. Also we just found out two days ago that we need to leave the Thuy An Center on February 1st which is a week earlier than we expected. So now we are trying to semi-frantically figure out our next move. Either somewhere in Cambodia or an island in Thailand maybe. If anyone has any input on how we should spend the first18 days in February PLEASE TELL ME.



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